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Who are we?

At Covenant, your kids will experience the love of God in an engaging, exciting environment. Our teachers and leaders foster a safe and Biblically-based environment for your kids to learn foundational truths. 

Student Ministry Vision Statement

To equip the students of this generation with the God-given tools that empower them to live an effective, abundant life, wholly devoted to the Kingdom of God.

Your children will learn and grow in God's Word

Nursery - Birth to 2 years

Located in the main building upstairs
A loving, nurturing nursery ministry is provided during all of our services. Your child is special to us, and we want his or her first impressions of church to be positive as they begin to learn about and experience the love of Jesus. 


Three Years to Kindergarten

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Young hearts and minds receive a spiritual foundation of Biblical truths with our dedicated teaching team through Bible lessons, engaging worship, music, crafts, and play time.

Weekly Services

Sunday's at 9:45 am

We believe in giving families the opportunity to worship together each week. Your family will be blessed by attending our weekly worship service together and grow in their relationship with Jesus! All children and youth are dismissed for Sunday School before the sermon, for age appropriate lessons.

Wednesday's at 6:00 pm for Students | Family Worship at 6:45 pm

At 6:00 doors open and students have a variety of things to choose from, like concession, games and CovShack until 6:35. We begin transitioning for family worship in the main sanctuary at 6:40. From there we allow the Spirit of God to move how He chooses. After worship students are dismissed to separate classes then given the opportunity to repent and ask God to become their Lord and Savior. 

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